
Assisted Travel

Caring for you, every stage of the journey

  • Assisted Travel

    Norwich Airport has a reputation for being a friendly, easy to use airport.

    We hope the following information will help you to plan your trip and provide a stress free start to your journey.

    Travel Assistance from trained staff can be made available for departing passengers from the point of arrival at the airport and from the inbound aircraft.

    It is imperative that you discuss any special requirements when you make your travel arrangements or book a holiday. This applies to all booking methods – travel agents, websites or by telephone (Customers using an internet booking service will usually find a relevant telephone number on their websites). These booking details will then be passed to our PRM (Passengers with Reduced Mobility) facility. Any requests for assistance should be made at least 48 hours in advance of travel.

    If you require help at the airport, you should book assistance in advance with your airline or travel agent.

    If you are unable to book assistance in advance, then please make your way to one of the designated points located at the assisted travel desk, check-in, car parks or departure gates and call the provided telephone number.

    Passengers with a hidden medical device are encouraged to bring a Medical Device Awareness Card to the airport. Please download your copy here

    We can also facilitate pre-travel visits for people with hidden disabilities such as those with autism.

    For general enquiries please contact the PRM Desk

    Help desk in the terminal building
    07833 403 180

    The PRM helpline opening hours

    • Mon 0700-1800
    • Tue 0700-1800
    • Wed 0700-1800
    • Thu 0700-1800
    • Fri 0700-1800
    • Sat 0700-1800
    • Sun 0700-1800

    Norwich Airport’s service level waiting target for outbound assisted travel at designated areas is within:

    • 10 minutes if booked and within 25 minutes if not booked for 80%
    • 20 minutes if booked and within 35 minutes if not booked for 90%
    • 30 minutes if booked and within 45 minutes if not booked for 100%

    Norwich Airport’s service level waiting target for inbound assisted travel at the aircraft on stand is within:

    • 5 minutes if booked and within 25 minutes if not booked for 80%
    • 10 minutes if booked and within 35 minutes if not booked for 90%
    • 20 minutes if booked and within 45 minutes if not booked for 100%

    CAA Quality Standards Reporting Data


    Disability Confident Certificate


  • Reduced Mobility Facilities
    Landside Help Desk
    Waiting and processing facilities are provided. Please book in at the help desk inside the terminal . If staff are unavailable a waiting area is available for use.
    If you need to borrow a wheelchair whilst at the airport, please contact the PRM team.  These are available free of charge, subject to availability.
    Road Crossing Points
    Road crossing points are clearly marked on the route from the car park.
    Single Story Airport
    The airport is situated all on one level.
    Electronic Sensors
    Electronic sensors activate doors to the main terminal entrance and exit.
    Accessible Toilet
    There are fully equipped accessible toilets located throughout the terminal building. Duckboards are available in all accessible toilets for customers requiring them. The boards allow a more hygienic and convenient way to aid with the changing of clothes or medical equipment without contact with the flooring.
    Aviation Ramp that allows easy access for wheelchairs users, passengers with reduced mobility and even children to board and disembark an aircraft with ease.  Video of Aviramp.
    Stair Climber
    A stair climber (S-Max Amazon Chair) is also available. Video of stair climber.
    Hearing Loops
    Three Hearing Loops are available within the airport.
    Information Point
    A local free information point telephone is available in the arrivals area and this provides connections to airport services, travel services, local hotels and local information.
    First Aid Room
    The first aid room is available in the main terminal building. This room may be used by customers for any procedure which requires privacy. Requests to use this room should be made:
    • Before security – at the information desk.
    • After security – via the telephone help point located in the departure lounge.
    Assistance Dogs
    We accept assistance dogs who comply with the Pets Travel scheme (PETS).The airline should be made aware that you are travelling with an assistance dog at least 48 hours prior so that you are given help at Norwich. When you arrive at the airport please go to our special assistance desk where staff will be happy to help you. Norwich Airport has a animal spend area if the animal needs to go to the toilet prior to travel.

    Any dogs travelling out of the UK must be fully vaccinated and micro-chipped and need to be registered with the European Pets Travel Scheme (PETS) and importation rules of other countries outside the EU.

    For further information on this please go to defra.gov.uk/wildlife-pets/pets/travel/pets/
  • Hidden Disabilities

    Norwich Airport has been working closely with numerous local charities to help make air travel accessible to all and improve the assisted travel service offered at the airport.  As part of this commitment the airport is pleased to announce the introduction of a new scheme to assist passengers with hidden disabilities.

    Sunflower lanyards are available free of charge for passengers and any friends/family colleagues travelling with them to wear as a discreet sign to airport staff that additional support may be required whilst travelling through the airport.

    Other airports, such as Heathrow and Gatwick, also endorse this scheme. Norwich Airports involvement in adopting the scheme is a positive step closer to harmonising recognition of the sunflower lanyards across all UK airports.

    The sunflower lanyards are available from the Assisted Travel desk located just inside the terminal building.

    For further information on the assistance available please call please call 07833 403180 or 01603 420672.

    Staff that have attended hidden disability awareness training sessions can be identified by a green sunflower pin attached to their uniform.

  • Traveling with an Ostomy

    Traveling with an Ostomy?

    Norwich Airport’s Assisted Travel team and Security staff are here to help if you are travelling with an ostomy. After seeking advice from Stomawise UK the airport has adapted its facilities with the aim of becoming accredited as an ostomy friendly Airport. Several changes have been made to the disabled toilets making them more ostomy friendly by providing facilities such as shelving, clothes hangers and duck boards with the aim of making changing more hygienic with less inconvenience.

    Security staff now have a greater understanding of ostomy related items that you may carry when travelling. If your person or cabin luggage needs to be searched please feel free to make use of our private search area. Sunflower lanyards are available free of charge and function to discreetly inform staff that you are travelling with a hidden disability.

    Sunflower lanyards are available at the Assisted Travel desk please call 07833 403180 or 01603 420672 for further information.

    Ostomy emergency supplies

    In case of an emergency, or if much needed ostomy products have been misplaced, Coloplast Ltd has donated free products for customers use, and these are available from the Assisted Travel desk. Items available include:

    • Colostomy/ Ileostomy/Urostomy bags.
    • Adhesive removers.
    • Protective seals.
    • Elastic tape belts.
    • And other products aiding in cleaning and disposal.

    About Coloplast Ltd.

    Coloplast develops products and services that make life easier for people with very personal and private medical conditions. Their business includes ostomy care, urology and continence care, wound and skin care. For more information on Coloplast or to view their range of products and services please click on the following link

    Coloplast UK

    For further advice on travelling with a Colostomy, Ileostomy and Urostomy please see the following links.

    Colostomy UK – Travel Advice

    Colostomy UK Article


  • Disabled Parking & Transport

    Disabled parking spaces are located in the short stay car park which is located close to the passenger terminal.

    Drivers collecting or dropping off a person with mobility problems should use the drop off zone located in the short stay car park.

    If you require wheelchair assistance or help with your luggage from the disabled parking spaces, you should contact the PRM staff:

    Help desk in the terminal building
    07833 403 180
    01603 420 672

    If you require your blue badge whilst on your travels, Norwich Airport can provide you with a Blue Badge Temporary Proof Slip to leave in the window of your parked vehicle at the airport, on production of your blue badge.

    If not travelling to the airport by car, the airport can be reached by private taxi or the Airport Park and Ride bus service, more information on this service can be found here.


    Walking Distances

    • Short stay car park —- Terminal 20m
    • Long stay car park —-Terminal 110m
    • Terminal Door —- PRM Desk 10m
    • Terminal Door —- Check-in 60m
    • Check-in —- Security 70m
    • Security —- Departures 10m
    • Boarding Gate —- Aircraft up to 150m


  • On arrival at Norwich Airport

    If you require wheelchair assistance or help with your luggage from the disabled parking spaces, you should contact the PRM staff:

    Help desk in the Terminal Concourse, opens at 04:15am
    07833 403 180
    01603 420 672

    The PRM desk is in the Terminal Concourse, just inside the main entrance doors, for those passengers’ requiring assistance who have made their own way into the terminal building.

    Departing passengers requiring Assisted Travel should attend the appropriate check-in desk before the minimum check-in time, as stipulated by the airline or tour operator, with the appropriate travel documents.

    Terminal Map

    Walking Distances:

    • Short stay car park —- Terminal 20m
    • Long stay car park —-Terminal 110m
    • Terminal Door —- PRM Lounge 20m
    • Terminal Door —- Check-in 60m
    • Check-in —- Security 70m
    • Security —- Departures 10m
    • Boarding Gate —- Aircraft up to 150m

    Assisted Travel questions, based on the ABTA Checklist for Disabled Travellers, will be asked at the time of booking or at check-in. The answers to these questions will ensure that passengers requiring assistance receive the service that they need and the airport’s PRM team are made available for boarding the aircraft. Norwich Airport has invested in the Aviramp system to help you board the aircraft quickly and efficiently. Check-in staff should be advised of any need for wheelchair carriage and arrangements will be made for electric wheelchair battery isolation.

    Check-in staff should be advised of any need for wheelchair carriage and arrangements will be made for electric wheelchair battery isolation. Mobility aids can remain in your possession all the way to the departing aircraft.  Upon your arrival back to Norwich Airport your mobility aid will be returned to you at the Aircraft. Please ensure the Airline you are flying with are notified in advance that you are travelling with your own mobility aids.

    Passengers must be aware of the current airline and DfT hand baggage restrictions. Essential medical items required for the flight may only be taken into the aircraft cabin if the passenger presents a letter from a doctor confirming the requirement to security staff within the Security Search Area.

    Large amounts of medication should be placed in hold baggage unless the passenger presents a letter from a doctor, confirming the requirement for carriage in hand baggage at the Security Search Area.

    Passengers with hearing difficulties should inform check-in staff that they may need assistance. In the event of an emergency these passengers will be guided by airport staff to a designated assembly point.

    Assisted Travel passengers travelling without an aide will be assisted to the security search area and on to the departure lounge in preparation for boarding. If required, further assistance will be available prior to boarding the aircraft.

    Inbound Assisted Travel passengers will be met at the aircraft and taken into the terminal building. Passengers will be reunited with their baggage and wheelchair. Further assistance will be offered to get passengers to their point of departure from the airport.

    If your mobility aid is lost or damaged upon your return to Norwich Airport, this will need to be reported to the Airline. PRM staff will escort you to the baggage reclaim hall and assist you with filing a report. Norwich Airport will lend you a wheelchair until yours is returned or repaired.

  • Familiarisation Visits

    Familiarisation visits

    We understand that many people living with a disability have not considered a trip abroad in the past because of concerns about the processes and environments involved in Air travel.  As a result we can offer individuals support and a familiarisation visit to the airport in advance of a flight. These visits give individuals an opportunity to discuss their anxieties and fears relating to using the airport with us on a one to one basis

    Younger children requiring a familiarisation visit will also receive a small gift from the airport. The gift is a ‘Suzie/Sammy goes on an aeroplane’ book.

    Suzie books are a series of children’s stories intended to help children cope and manage new experiences found in many families. Can Suzie and Sammy help your child when experiencing new situations?

    The author of Suzie books, Charlotte Olson, has commented on the familiarisation visits;

    “Helping to put children’s anxieties at ease and generally make the whole experience as enjoyable as possible is so important. Many on the spectrum will find this service really useful, especially, one to one, as they can get to feel comfortable with
    one person, without being overwhelmed, families couldn’t ask for any more and I am sure you will help so many as they come to the airport.”


    Familiarisation visits are also available to those passengers nervous about flying.

    To book a visit please email [email protected]

    Registered disability charities are welcome to contact Norwich Airport to discuss how we can improve our service by contacting:[email protected]




  • Medical Device Awareness Card

    Medical devices such as insulin pumps, Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) systems and freestyle libre (flash glucose monitor) devices should not be exposed to x-ray screening and airport scanners, which can cause potential damage. The awareness card provides information for both the Security Officer and the passenger. Before going through the airport scanners, passengers should make the Security Officer aware of the device (including spare devices) and ask for an alternative security screening method. Please download your copy here and remember to bring your medical evidence (E.g. A letter from your medical practitioner).

    If you are traveling with Type 1 Diabetes and require further guidance on air travel. Please visit the below links published by Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF).



  • Community Engagement

    Exciting Trip to Norwich Airport for Vision Impaired Students!

    In September, vision impaired students from the Wensum Trust, supported by Norfolk County Council’s Virtual School Sensory Support, had an incredible experience at Norwich Airport. They explored airport operations, went through security to airside, and boarded an aircraft preparing for departure to Palma. What an unforgettable day!

    You can find out more about how Norfolk County Council’s Virtual School Sensory Support team offers training, guidance, advice, and support for Norfolk families here.


     Alex Riches – Stepping into paid Employment at Norwich Airport.

    Alex Riches is a student at Stepping Stones, a small vibrant charity and service for adults with learning disabilities in Norwich.


    Alex, supported by Stepping Stones working in collaboration with Norwich Airport has successfully taken on a paid, part-time role at Norwich Airport working in the Passengers with Reduced Mobility Assistance team (PRM) after a successful 4-week work experience placement. Alex says, “I’m really excited about my paid job. I’ve been helping lots of different people in the airport, everyone is really nice. I’m very proud of myself”.

    Alex was first introduced to the airport environment in May 2023 taking part in an employment themed behind the scenes tour as part of a Skills & Employment session at Stepping Stones. Alex and other students got to have a fantastic, guided tour in all aspects of the environment, looking at all the various job roles and departments and meeting most of the teams.

    After this tour, Alex was really keen to try some work experience at Norwich Airport and soon he found himself starting a 4-week work experience placement working in the Airports PRM team, supported by Stepping Stones.

    Dan Bean, Ground Handling & Safety Manager at Norwich Airport says:  “Alex joined Norwich Airport mid-summer on a work experience placement.  Because of his excellent performance he was quickly offered a job for the summer, helping with our Passengers with Reduced Mobility Assistance team. (PRM) As the summer progressed Alex has continued to thrive and has become an integral part of the team, expanding his knowledge of airport operations, assisting with baggage loading and passenger marshalling.  His attitude to the role has been excellent and he is well respected by his colleagues and peers.  He has received many compliments from customers and passengers.  His pleasant, outgoing, and smiley personality is a winner for those he meets.  We are very proud to have him working with us.  

    Our working relationship with Stepping Stones continues to blossom.  A recent visit by Norwich Airport managers was well received and we were hugely impressed by the work that goes on to provide training and valuable life experiences for the students.  We hope to play a part in the continuation of this work in the future.”

    Stepping Stones supported Alex with each step of the process whether it was supporting him with learning a new bus route, doing e-learning, filling out documents, arranging I.D. checks and working with Alex and his family throughout to ensure relevant paperwork and benefits information was completed.

    Roger Bilton-Hill, Manager at Stepping Stones says:  “It has been fantastic to support Alex through his employment journey and see him progress his work experience placement into becoming a paid member of the team. It has been great working in collaboration with Norwich Airport who have been very supportive of Alex and the work we do throughout. It is clear to see that Alex is a valued member of the team, and it has made such a positive difference to his confidence; we are all really proud to have helped him gain more independence and take a positive step in his life.

    I would like to thank Norwich Airport for working with us, Dan, Neil, and the whole team working with Alex have been supportive and understanding throughout – Stepping Stones looks forward to continuing this positive collaboration in the future.”

    End of case study





















  • Video Walkthrough

    Norwich Airport has worked in partnership with AgeSpace to produce a short video walkthrough outlining the facilities and assisted travel service provided when travelling through the Airport.


  • Useful Contacts
    Customer Service for Persons with Reduced Mobility
    01603 420 672
    Norwich Airport Main Switchboard
    01603 411 923
    Assisted Travel Complaints
    01603 428 716
    Registered Charities
    Registered charities are invited to contact us to promote their field, and help us to further develop our PRM services.
    Useful Links
    Age Space
    Assist Trust
    Autism Anglia
    Dementia Action
    Norfolk Family Carers

    Norfolk Mobility Hire offer wheelchair and mobility scooter hire which can be pre-booked for your arrival at the airport or delivery arranged to your accommodation.

    For more information click here.  To book call 07789386925 or  email


    CAA PRM Passenger Satisfaction Survey
    Take survey
    Postal Address
    Norwich Airport Ltd
    Amsterdam Way
    NR6 6JA
  • Norwich Airport Accessibility Committtee (NAAC)

    Norwich Airport Accessibility Committee (NAAC) was created in November 2019 with the goal to improve the level of assistance received when at the airport. Creating a welcoming and accessible airport ensures passengers can travel with dignity, ease and respect.

    NAAC members consist of specialist charities and frequent disabled flyers that consult on improving assisted travel from a consumer prospective.

    The objective of NAAC is to;

    • Whether and how the interests of passengers with reduced mobility are considered in fulfilling relevant regulatory duties and other functions.
    • Monitoring the performance of the Special Assistance product at Norwich Airport.
    • Reviewing and providing independent advice about improvements to the passenger experience and cooperating with the Airport in shaping future passenger experience.
    • NAAC will support Norwich Airport by bringing to its attention issues and areas of best practice from other sectors that may be relevant to Airport operations.
    • NAAC has an advisory role and will operate independently of Norwich Airport in its thinking and shall express its views freely.

    Norwich Airport Accessibility Committee Minutes


Assisted Travel

Norwich Airport has a reputation for being a friendly, easy to use airport.

We hope the following information will help you to plan your trip and provide a stress free start to your journey.

Travel Assistance from trained staff can be made available for departing passengers from the point of arrival at the airport and from the inbound aircraft.

It is imperative that you discuss any special requirements when you make your travel arrangements or book a holiday. This applies to all booking methods – travel agents, websites or by telephone (Customers using an internet booking service will usually find a relevant telephone number on their websites). These booking details will then be passed to our PRM (Passengers with Reduced Mobility) facility. Any requests for assistance should be made at least 48 hours in advance of travel.

If you require help at the airport, you should book assistance in advance with your airline or travel agent.

If you are unable to book assistance in advance, then please make your way to one of the designated points located at the assisted travel desk, check-in, car parks or departure gates and call the provided telephone number.

Passengers with a hidden medical device are encouraged to bring a Medical Device Awareness Card to the airport. Please download your copy here

We can also facilitate pre-travel visits for people with hidden disabilities such as those with autism.

For general enquiries please contact the PRM Desk

Help desk in the terminal building
07833 403 180

The PRM helpline opening hours

  • Mon 0700-1800
  • Tue 0700-1800
  • Wed 0700-1800
  • Thu 0700-1800
  • Fri 0700-1800
  • Sat 0700-1800
  • Sun 0700-1800

Norwich Airport’s service level waiting target for outbound assisted travel at designated areas is within:

  • 10 minutes if booked and within 25 minutes if not booked for 80%
  • 20 minutes if booked and within 35 minutes if not booked for 90%
  • 30 minutes if booked and within 45 minutes if not booked for 100%

Norwich Airport’s service level waiting target for inbound assisted travel at the aircraft on stand is within:

  • 5 minutes if booked and within 25 minutes if not booked for 80%
  • 10 minutes if booked and within 35 minutes if not booked for 90%
  • 20 minutes if booked and within 45 minutes if not booked for 100%

CAA Quality Standards Reporting Data


Disability Confident Certificate


Reduced Mobility Facilities

Landside Help Desk
Waiting and processing facilities are provided. Please book in at the help desk inside the terminal . If staff are unavailable a waiting area is available for use.
If you need to borrow a wheelchair whilst at the airport, please contact the PRM team.  These are available free of charge, subject to availability.
Road Crossing Points
Road crossing points are clearly marked on the route from the car park.
Single Story Airport
The airport is situated all on one level.
Electronic Sensors
Electronic sensors activate doors to the main terminal entrance and exit.
Accessible Toilet
There are fully equipped accessible toilets located throughout the terminal building. Duckboards are available in all accessible toilets for customers requiring them. The boards allow a more hygienic and convenient way to aid with the changing of clothes or medical equipment without contact with the flooring.
Aviation Ramp that allows easy access for wheelchairs users, passengers with reduced mobility and even children to board and disembark an aircraft with ease.  Video of Aviramp.
Stair Climber
A stair climber (S-Max Amazon Chair) is also available. Video of stair climber.
Hearing Loops
Three Hearing Loops are available within the airport.
Information Point
A local free information point telephone is available in the arrivals area and this provides connections to airport services, travel services, local hotels and local information.
First Aid Room
The first aid room is available in the main terminal building. This room may be used by customers for any procedure which requires privacy. Requests to use this room should be made:
  • Before security – at the information desk.
  • After security – via the telephone help point located in the departure lounge.
Assistance Dogs
We accept assistance dogs who comply with the Pets Travel scheme (PETS).The airline should be made aware that you are travelling with an assistance dog at least 48 hours prior so that you are given help at Norwich. When you arrive at the airport please go to our special assistance desk where staff will be happy to help you. Norwich Airport has a animal spend area if the animal needs to go to the toilet prior to travel.

Any dogs travelling out of the UK must be fully vaccinated and micro-chipped and need to be registered with the European Pets Travel Scheme (PETS) and importation rules of other countries outside the EU.

For further information on this please go to defra.gov.uk/wildlife-pets/pets/travel/pets/

Hidden Disabilities

Norwich Airport has been working closely with numerous local charities to help make air travel accessible to all and improve the assisted travel service offered at the airport.  As part of this commitment the airport is pleased to announce the introduction of a new scheme to assist passengers with hidden disabilities.

Sunflower lanyards are available free of charge for passengers and any friends/family colleagues travelling with them to wear as a discreet sign to airport staff that additional support may be required whilst travelling through the airport.

Other airports, such as Heathrow and Gatwick, also endorse this scheme. Norwich Airports involvement in adopting the scheme is a positive step closer to harmonising recognition of the sunflower lanyards across all UK airports.

The sunflower lanyards are available from the Assisted Travel desk located just inside the terminal building.

For further information on the assistance available please call please call 07833 403180 or 01603 420672.

Staff that have attended hidden disability awareness training sessions can be identified by a green sunflower pin attached to their uniform.

Traveling with an Ostomy

Traveling with an Ostomy?

Norwich Airport’s Assisted Travel team and Security staff are here to help if you are travelling with an ostomy. After seeking advice from Stomawise UK the airport has adapted its facilities with the aim of becoming accredited as an ostomy friendly Airport. Several changes have been made to the disabled toilets making them more ostomy friendly by providing facilities such as shelving, clothes hangers and duck boards with the aim of making changing more hygienic with less inconvenience.

Security staff now have a greater understanding of ostomy related items that you may carry when travelling. If your person or cabin luggage needs to be searched please feel free to make use of our private search area. Sunflower lanyards are available free of charge and function to discreetly inform staff that you are travelling with a hidden disability.

Sunflower lanyards are available at the Assisted Travel desk please call 07833 403180 or 01603 420672 for further information.

Ostomy emergency supplies

In case of an emergency, or if much needed ostomy products have been misplaced, Coloplast Ltd has donated free products for customers use, and these are available from the Assisted Travel desk. Items available include:

  • Colostomy/ Ileostomy/Urostomy bags.
  • Adhesive removers.
  • Protective seals.
  • Elastic tape belts.
  • And other products aiding in cleaning and disposal.

About Coloplast Ltd.

Coloplast develops products and services that make life easier for people with very personal and private medical conditions. Their business includes ostomy care, urology and continence care, wound and skin care. For more information on Coloplast or to view their range of products and services please click on the following link

Coloplast UK

For further advice on travelling with a Colostomy, Ileostomy and Urostomy please see the following links.

Colostomy UK – Travel Advice

Colostomy UK Article


Disabled Parking & Transport

Disabled parking spaces are located in the short stay car park which is located close to the passenger terminal.

Drivers collecting or dropping off a person with mobility problems should use the drop off zone located in the short stay car park.

If you require wheelchair assistance or help with your luggage from the disabled parking spaces, you should contact the PRM staff:

Help desk in the terminal building
07833 403 180
01603 420 672

If you require your blue badge whilst on your travels, Norwich Airport can provide you with a Blue Badge Temporary Proof Slip to leave in the window of your parked vehicle at the airport, on production of your blue badge.

If not travelling to the airport by car, the airport can be reached by private taxi or the Airport Park and Ride bus service, more information on this service can be found here.


Walking Distances

  • Short stay car park —- Terminal 20m
  • Long stay car park —-Terminal 110m
  • Terminal Door —- PRM Desk 10m
  • Terminal Door —- Check-in 60m
  • Check-in —- Security 70m
  • Security —- Departures 10m
  • Boarding Gate —- Aircraft up to 150m


On arrival at Norwich Airport

If you require wheelchair assistance or help with your luggage from the disabled parking spaces, you should contact the PRM staff:

Help desk in the Terminal Concourse, opens at 04:15am
07833 403 180
01603 420 672

The PRM desk is in the Terminal Concourse, just inside the main entrance doors, for those passengers’ requiring assistance who have made their own way into the terminal building.

Departing passengers requiring Assisted Travel should attend the appropriate check-in desk before the minimum check-in time, as stipulated by the airline or tour operator, with the appropriate travel documents.

Terminal Map

Walking Distances:

  • Short stay car park —- Terminal 20m
  • Long stay car park —-Terminal 110m
  • Terminal Door —- PRM Lounge 20m
  • Terminal Door —- Check-in 60m
  • Check-in —- Security 70m
  • Security —- Departures 10m
  • Boarding Gate —- Aircraft up to 150m

Assisted Travel questions, based on the ABTA Checklist for Disabled Travellers, will be asked at the time of booking or at check-in. The answers to these questions will ensure that passengers requiring assistance receive the service that they need and the airport’s PRM team are made available for boarding the aircraft. Norwich Airport has invested in the Aviramp system to help you board the aircraft quickly and efficiently. Check-in staff should be advised of any need for wheelchair carriage and arrangements will be made for electric wheelchair battery isolation.

Check-in staff should be advised of any need for wheelchair carriage and arrangements will be made for electric wheelchair battery isolation. Mobility aids can remain in your possession all the way to the departing aircraft.  Upon your arrival back to Norwich Airport your mobility aid will be returned to you at the Aircraft. Please ensure the Airline you are flying with are notified in advance that you are travelling with your own mobility aids.

Passengers must be aware of the current airline and DfT hand baggage restrictions. Essential medical items required for the flight may only be taken into the aircraft cabin if the passenger presents a letter from a doctor confirming the requirement to security staff within the Security Search Area.

Large amounts of medication should be placed in hold baggage unless the passenger presents a letter from a doctor, confirming the requirement for carriage in hand baggage at the Security Search Area.

Passengers with hearing difficulties should inform check-in staff that they may need assistance. In the event of an emergency these passengers will be guided by airport staff to a designated assembly point.

Assisted Travel passengers travelling without an aide will be assisted to the security search area and on to the departure lounge in preparation for boarding. If required, further assistance will be available prior to boarding the aircraft.

Inbound Assisted Travel passengers will be met at the aircraft and taken into the terminal building. Passengers will be reunited with their baggage and wheelchair. Further assistance will be offered to get passengers to their point of departure from the airport.

If your mobility aid is lost or damaged upon your return to Norwich Airport, this will need to be reported to the Airline. PRM staff will escort you to the baggage reclaim hall and assist you with filing a report. Norwich Airport will lend you a wheelchair until yours is returned or repaired.

Familiarisation Visits

Familiarisation visits

We understand that many people living with a disability have not considered a trip abroad in the past because of concerns about the processes and environments involved in Air travel.  As a result we can offer individuals support and a familiarisation visit to the airport in advance of a flight. These visits give individuals an opportunity to discuss their anxieties and fears relating to using the airport with us on a one to one basis

Younger children requiring a familiarisation visit will also receive a small gift from the airport. The gift is a ‘Suzie/Sammy goes on an aeroplane’ book.

Suzie books are a series of children’s stories intended to help children cope and manage new experiences found in many families. Can Suzie and Sammy help your child when experiencing new situations?

The author of Suzie books, Charlotte Olson, has commented on the familiarisation visits;

“Helping to put children’s anxieties at ease and generally make the whole experience as enjoyable as possible is so important. Many on the spectrum will find this service really useful, especially, one to one, as they can get to feel comfortable with
one person, without being overwhelmed, families couldn’t ask for any more and I am sure you will help so many as they come to the airport.”


Familiarisation visits are also available to those passengers nervous about flying.

To book a visit please email [email protected]

Registered disability charities are welcome to contact Norwich Airport to discuss how we can improve our service by contacting:[email protected]




Medical Device Awareness Card

Medical devices such as insulin pumps, Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) systems and freestyle libre (flash glucose monitor) devices should not be exposed to x-ray screening and airport scanners, which can cause potential damage. The awareness card provides information for both the Security Officer and the passenger. Before going through the airport scanners, passengers should make the Security Officer aware of the device (including spare devices) and ask for an alternative security screening method. Please download your copy here and remember to bring your medical evidence (E.g. A letter from your medical practitioner).

If you are traveling with Type 1 Diabetes and require further guidance on air travel. Please visit the below links published by Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF).



Community Engagement

Exciting Trip to Norwich Airport for Vision Impaired Students!

In September, vision impaired students from the Wensum Trust, supported by Norfolk County Council’s Virtual School Sensory Support, had an incredible experience at Norwich Airport. They explored airport operations, went through security to airside, and boarded an aircraft preparing for departure to Palma. What an unforgettable day!

You can find out more about how Norfolk County Council’s Virtual School Sensory Support team offers training, guidance, advice, and support for Norfolk families here.


 Alex Riches – Stepping into paid Employment at Norwich Airport.

Alex Riches is a student at Stepping Stones, a small vibrant charity and service for adults with learning disabilities in Norwich.


Alex, supported by Stepping Stones working in collaboration with Norwich Airport has successfully taken on a paid, part-time role at Norwich Airport working in the Passengers with Reduced Mobility Assistance team (PRM) after a successful 4-week work experience placement. Alex says, “I’m really excited about my paid job. I’ve been helping lots of different people in the airport, everyone is really nice. I’m very proud of myself”.

Alex was first introduced to the airport environment in May 2023 taking part in an employment themed behind the scenes tour as part of a Skills & Employment session at Stepping Stones. Alex and other students got to have a fantastic, guided tour in all aspects of the environment, looking at all the various job roles and departments and meeting most of the teams.

After this tour, Alex was really keen to try some work experience at Norwich Airport and soon he found himself starting a 4-week work experience placement working in the Airports PRM team, supported by Stepping Stones.

Dan Bean, Ground Handling & Safety Manager at Norwich Airport says:  “Alex joined Norwich Airport mid-summer on a work experience placement.  Because of his excellent performance he was quickly offered a job for the summer, helping with our Passengers with Reduced Mobility Assistance team. (PRM) As the summer progressed Alex has continued to thrive and has become an integral part of the team, expanding his knowledge of airport operations, assisting with baggage loading and passenger marshalling.  His attitude to the role has been excellent and he is well respected by his colleagues and peers.  He has received many compliments from customers and passengers.  His pleasant, outgoing, and smiley personality is a winner for those he meets.  We are very proud to have him working with us.  

Our working relationship with Stepping Stones continues to blossom.  A recent visit by Norwich Airport managers was well received and we were hugely impressed by the work that goes on to provide training and valuable life experiences for the students.  We hope to play a part in the continuation of this work in the future.”

Stepping Stones supported Alex with each step of the process whether it was supporting him with learning a new bus route, doing e-learning, filling out documents, arranging I.D. checks and working with Alex and his family throughout to ensure relevant paperwork and benefits information was completed.

Roger Bilton-Hill, Manager at Stepping Stones says:  “It has been fantastic to support Alex through his employment journey and see him progress his work experience placement into becoming a paid member of the team. It has been great working in collaboration with Norwich Airport who have been very supportive of Alex and the work we do throughout. It is clear to see that Alex is a valued member of the team, and it has made such a positive difference to his confidence; we are all really proud to have helped him gain more independence and take a positive step in his life.

I would like to thank Norwich Airport for working with us, Dan, Neil, and the whole team working with Alex have been supportive and understanding throughout – Stepping Stones looks forward to continuing this positive collaboration in the future.”

End of case study





















Video Walkthrough

Norwich Airport has worked in partnership with AgeSpace to produce a short video walkthrough outlining the facilities and assisted travel service provided when travelling through the Airport.


Useful Contacts

Customer Service for Persons with Reduced Mobility
01603 420 672
Norwich Airport Main Switchboard
01603 411 923
Assisted Travel Complaints
01603 428 716
Registered Charities
Registered charities are invited to contact us to promote their field, and help us to further develop our PRM services.
Useful Links
Age Space
Assist Trust
Autism Anglia
Dementia Action
Norfolk Family Carers

Norfolk Mobility Hire offer wheelchair and mobility scooter hire which can be pre-booked for your arrival at the airport or delivery arranged to your accommodation.

For more information click here.  To book call 07789386925 or  email


CAA PRM Passenger Satisfaction Survey
Take survey
Postal Address
Norwich Airport Ltd
Amsterdam Way

Norwich Airport Accessibility Committtee (NAAC)

Norwich Airport Accessibility Committee (NAAC) was created in November 2019 with the goal to improve the level of assistance received when at the airport. Creating a welcoming and accessible airport ensures passengers can travel with dignity, ease and respect.

NAAC members consist of specialist charities and frequent disabled flyers that consult on improving assisted travel from a consumer prospective.

The objective of NAAC is to;

  • Whether and how the interests of passengers with reduced mobility are considered in fulfilling relevant regulatory duties and other functions.
  • Monitoring the performance of the Special Assistance product at Norwich Airport.
  • Reviewing and providing independent advice about improvements to the passenger experience and cooperating with the Airport in shaping future passenger experience.
  • NAAC will support Norwich Airport by bringing to its attention issues and areas of best practice from other sectors that may be relevant to Airport operations.
  • NAAC has an advisory role and will operate independently of Norwich Airport in its thinking and shall express its views freely.

Norwich Airport Accessibility Committee Minutes